home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu alt.internet.access.wanted:1048 alt.bbs.lists:2062 ba.internet:599 news.answers:4387
- Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!linus!agate!ames!olivea!uunet!nntp1.radiomail.net!cornerstone!netcom.com!kaminski
- From: kaminski@netcom.com (Peter Kaminski)
- Newsgroups: alt.internet.access.wanted,alt.bbs.lists,ba.internet,news.answers
- Subject: Public Dialup Internet Access List (PDIAL)
- Summary: Public access service providers offering outgoing FTP or telnet.
- Keywords: access bbs dialup ftp internet list personal public slip telnet
- Message-ID: <1992Dec3.021048.12085@netcom.com>
- Date: 3 Dec 92 02:10:48 GMT
- Expires: Thu, 31 Dec 1992 23:59:59 GMT
- Sender: kaminski@netcom.com (Peter Kaminski)
- Followup-To: poster
- Organization: The Information Deli - via Netcom / San Jose, California
- Lines: 758
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Supersedes: <1992Nov12.210927.8465@netcom.com>
- Archive-name: pdial
- Last-modified: 1992/10/15
- Version: PDIAL008.TXT
- [Sorry 009 is taking so long -- lots of other stuff going on. -- Pete]
- New in PDIAL008: new listing for mindvox in (212), (718); netcom: new
- POP in San Diego, Palo Alto number changed; cyber: local to San Diego
- area, not entire (619), removed CERF's voice numbers in cyber
- listing; more services listed for dial-n-cerf.
- New in PDIAL007: new listings for sugar in (713) and connect.com.au in
- (+61 2), (+61 3); new msen phone numbers; fax numbers for some providers.
- ---- cut here ----
- The Public Dialup Internet Access List (PDIAL)
- ==============================================
- File PDIAL008.TXT -- 15 October 1992
- A list of public access service providers offering dialup access to
- outgoing Internet connections such as FTP and telnet.
- Copyright 1992 Peter Kaminski. May be distributed but not sold -- see below.
- Contents:
- -1- Summary: Providers With Wide Area Access
- -2- Summary: Area Codes For US Dialins
- -3- Summary: Phone Prefixes For International Dialins
- -4- What *Is* The Internet?
- -5- What The PDIAL Is
- -6- List of Providers
- -7- How People Can Get The PDIAL (This List)
- -8- Appendix A: Finding Public Data Network (PDN) Access Numbers
- -9- Copyright and Distribution Of The PDIAL; Other Notices
- Subject headers below are formatted so this list may be read as a
- digest by USENET newsreaders that support digests.
- Example commands: rn, "control-G" skips to next section; nn, "G%"
- presents as a digest. Sections may also be located by searching for
- the desired section number string (e.g. "-1-") from the list above.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: PDIAL -1-
- Subject: Summary: Providers With Wide Area Access
- PDN holonet, michnet, portal, psi-gds, psilink, well, world
- 800 class, dial-n-cerf-usa, jvnc, OARnet
- "PDN" means the provider is accessible through a public data network
- (check the listings below for which network); note that many PDNs
- listed offer access outside North America as well as within North
- America. Check with the provider or the PDN for more details.
- "800" means the provider is accessible via a "toll-free" US phone
- number. The phone company will not charge for the call, but the
- service provider will add a relatively large surcharge to cover the
- high cost of the 800 service. Other long-distance options are
- generally cheaper.
- ------------------------------
- From: PDIAL -2-
- Subject: Summary: Area Codes for US Dialins
- If you are not local to any of these providers, it's still likely you
- are able to access those providers available through a public data
- network (PDN). Check the section above for providers with wide area
- access.
- 201 jvnc-tiger
- 202 express
- 203 jvnc-tiger
- 206 halcyon
- 212 mindvox, panix
- 213 dial-n-cerf, netcom
- 215 jvnc-tiger
- 216 OARnet
- 301 express
- 303 csn
- 310 dial-n-cerf, netcom
- 313 michnet, msen
- 401 anomaly, ids, jvnc-tiger
- 408 a2i, netcom, portal
- 410 express
- 415 netcom, portal, well
- 419 OARnet
- 508 nearnet
- 510 dial-n-cerf, holonet, netcom
- 513 OARnet
- 516 jvnc-tiger
- 517 michnet
- 603 nearnet
- 609 jvnc-tiger
- 614 OARnet
- 616 michnet
- 617 nearnet, world
- 619 cyber, dial-n-cerf, netcom
- 703 express
- 704 rock-concert
- 713 sugar
- 714 dial-n-cerf
- 718 mindvox, panix
- 719 cns, csn
- 818 dial-n-cerf, netcom
- 906 michnet
- 908 jvnc-tiger
- 919 rock-concert
- These are area codes local to the dialups, although some prefixes in
- the area codes listed may not be local to the dialups. Check your
- phone book or with your phone company.
- Most providers listed here are also accessible by packet-switched data
- services such as PC Pursuit ($30/month for 30 hours off-peak 2400 bps
- access -- call 800-736-1130 for more information), traditional long
- distance services, and of course telnet.
- ------------------------------
- From: PDIAL -3-
- Subject: Summary: Phone Prefixes for International Dialins
- +61 2 connect.com.au
- +61 3 connect.com.au
- +44 (0)81 ibmpcug
- ------------------------------
- From: PDIAL -4-
- Subject: What *Is* The Internet?
- The Internet is a global cooperative network of university, corporate,
- government, and private computers, all communicating with each other by
- means of something called TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
- Protocol). Computers directly on the Internet can exchange data quickly
- and easily with any other computer on the Internet to download files, send
- email, provide remote logins, etc.
- Users can download files from publicly accessible archive sites ("anonymous
- FTP"); login into remote computers (telnet or rlogin); chat in real-time
- with other users around the world (Internet Relay Chat); or use the newest
- information retrieval tools to find a staggering variety of information
- (Wide Area Information Servers, Gopher, World Wide Web).
- Computers directly on the Internet also exchange email directly and very
- quickly; email is usually delivered in seconds between Internet sites.
- Sometimes the Internet is confused with other related networks or types of
- networking.
- First, there are other ways to be "connected to the Internet" without being
- directly connected as a TCP/IP node. Some computers connect via UUCP or
- other means at regular intervals to an Internet site to exchange email and
- USENET newsgroups, for instance. Such a site can provide email (though not
- as quickly as a directly connected systems) and USENET access, but not
- Internet downloads, remote logins, etc.
- "email" (or "Internet email", "netmail") can be exchanged with a wide
- variety of systems connected directly and indirectly to the Internet. The
- email may travel solely over the Internet, or it may traverse other
- networks and systems.
- "USENET" is the collection of computers all over the world that exchange
- USENET news -- thousands of "newsgroups" (like forums, or echos) on a wide
- range of topics. The newsgroup articles are distributed all over the world
- to USENET sites that wish to carry them (sometimes over the Internet,
- sometimes not), where people read and respond to them.
- The "NSFNET" is one of the backbones of the Internet in the US. It is
- funded by the NSF, which restricts traffic over the NSFNET to "open
- research and education in and among US research and instructional
- institutions, plus research arms of for-profit firms when engaged in
- open scholarly communication and research." Your Internet provider
- can give you more details about acceptable use, and alternatives
- should you need to use the Internet in other ways.
- ------------------------------
- From: PDIAL -5-
- Subject: What The PDIAL Is
- This is a list of Internet service providers offering public access
- dialins and outgoing Internet access (ftp, telnet, etc.). Most of
- them provide email and USENET news and other services as well.
- If one of these systems is not accessible to you and you need email or
- USENET access, but *don't* need ftp or telnet, you have many more
- public access systems from which to choose. Public access systems
- without ftp or telnet are *not* listed in this list, however. See the
- nixpub (alt.bbs, comp.misc) list and other BBS lists.
- Some of these providers offer time-shared access to a shell or BBS
- program on a computer connected directly to the Internet, through
- which you can FTP or telnet to other systems on the Internet. Usually
- other services are provided as well. Generally, you need only a modem
- and terminal or terminal emulator to access these systems. Check for
- "shell", "bbs", or "menu" on the "services" line.
- Other providers connect you directly to the Internet via SLIP or PPP
- when you dial in. For these you need a computer system capable of
- running the software to interface with the Internet, e.g., a Unix
- machine, PC, or Mac. Check for "SLIP", or "PPP" on the services
- line.
- While I have included all sites for which I have complete information,
- this list is surely incomplete. Please send any additions or
- corrections to "kaminski@netcom.com".
- ------------------------------
- From: PDIAL -6-
- Subject: List of Providers
- Fees are for personal dialup accounts with outgoing Internet access;
- most sites have other classes of service with other rate structures as
- well. Most support email and netnews along with the listed services.
- "Long distance: provided by user" means you need to use services such
- as PC Pursuit or other long distance services.
- << a2i >>
- name ----------> a2i communications
- dialup --------> 408-293-9010 (v.32, v.32 bis) or 408-293-9020 (PEP) 'guest'
- area codes ----> 408
- local access --> CA: Campbell, Los Altos, Los Gatos, Moutain View, San Jose,
- Santa Clara, Saratoga, Sunnyvale
- long distance -> provided by user
- services ------> shell, ftp, telnet, feeds
- fees ----------> $20/month or $45/3 months or $72/6 months
- email ---------> info@rahul.net
- voice ---------> n/a
- ftp more info -> ftp.rahul.net:/pub/BLURB
- << anomaly >>
- name ----------> Anomaly - Rhode Island's Gateway To The Internet
- dialup --------> 401-331-3706 (v.32) or 401-455-0347 (PEP)
- area codes ----> 401
- local access --> RI: Providence/Seekonk Zone
- long distance -> provided by user
- services ------> shell, ftp, telnet, SLIP
- fees ----------> $125/6 months or $200/year
- email ---------> root@anomaly.sbs.risc.net
- voice ---------> 401-273-4669
- ftp more info -> n/a
- << class >>
- name ----------> Cooperative Library Agency for Systems and Services
- dialup --------> contact for number; NOTE: CLASS serves libraries/information
- distributors only
- area codes ----> 800
- local access --> anywhere (800) service is available
- long distance -> included
- services ------> ftp, telnet, gopher, wais, archie, hytelnet
- fees ----------> $10.50/hour + $150/year for first account + $50/year each
- additional account + $135/year CLASS membership
- email ---------> class@class.org
- voice ---------> 800-488-4559
- fax -----------> 408-453-5379
- ftp more info -> n/a
- << cns >>
- name ----------> Community News Service
- dialup --------> 719-520-1700 'new'
- area codes ----> 719
- local access --> CO: Colorado Springs
- long distance -> provided by user
- services ------> UNIX shell, email, ftp, telnet, irc, USENET, Clarinet, gopher
- fees ----------> $1/hour; $10/month minimum + $35 signup
- email ---------> klaus@cscns.com
- voice ---------> 719-579-9120
- ftp more info -> n/a
- << connect.com.au >>
- name ----------> connect.com.au pty ltd
- dialup --------> contact for number
- area codes ----> +61 3, +61 2
- local access --> Australia: Melbourne, Sydney
- long distance -> provided by user
- services ------> SLIP, PPP, ISDN, UUCP, ftp, telnet, NTP, FTPmail
- fees ----------> AUS$2000/year (1 hour/day), 10% discount for AUUG members;
- other billing negotiable
- email ---------> connect@connect.com.au
- voice ---------> +61 3 5282239
- fax -----------> +61 3 5285887
- ftp more info -> ftp.connect.com.au
- << csn >>
- name ----------> Colorado SuperNet
- dialup --------> contact for number
- area codes ----> 303, 719
- local access --> CO: Ft. Collins, Boulder/Denver, Colorado Springs
- long distance -> provided by user; NOTE: CSN serves Colorado only
- services ------> shell, ftp, telnet, irc, wais, gopher, email-to-fax, feeds,
- fees ----------> $1/hour off-peak, $2/hour peak ($250 max/month) + $20 signup
- email ---------> info@csn.org
- voice ---------> 303-273-3471
- ftp more info -> csn.org:/CSN/reports/DialinInfo
- off-peak ------> midnight to 6am
- << cyber >>
- name ----------> The Cyberspace Station
- dialup --------> (619) 634-1376 'guest'
- area codes ----> 619
- local access --> CA: San Diego
- long distance -> provided by user
- services ------> shell, ftp, telnet, irc
- fees ----------> $15/month + $10 startup or $60 for six months
- email ---------> help@cyber.net
- voice --------->
- ftp more info -> n/a
- << dial-n-cerf >>
- name ----------> DIAL n' CERF or DIAL n' CERF AYC
- dialup --------> contact for number
- area codes ----> 213, 310, 510, 619, 714, 818
- local access --> CA: Los Angeles, Oakland, San Diego, Irvine, Pasadena
- long distance -> provided by user
- services ------> shell, menu, irc, ftp, hytelnet, gopher, WAIS, WWW, terminal
- service, SLIP
- fees ----------> $5/hour ($3/hour on weekend) + $20/month + $50 startup OR
- $250/month flat for AYC
- email ---------> help@cerf.net
- voice ---------> 800-876-2373 or 619-455-3900
- ftp more info -> nic.cerf.net:/cerfnet/dial-n-cerf/
- off-peak ------> Weekend: 5pm Friday to 5pm Sunday
- << dial-n-cerf-usa >>
- name ----------> DIAL n' CERF USA
- dialup --------> contact for number
- area codes ----> 800
- local access --> anywhere (800) service is available
- long distance -> included
- services ------> shell, menu, irc, ftp, hytelnet, gopher, WAIS, WWW, terminal
- service, SLIP
- fees ----------> $10/hour ($8/hour on weekend) + $20/month
- email ---------> help@cerf.net
- voice ---------> 800-876-2373 or 619-455-3900
- ftp more info -> nic.cerf.net:/cerfnet/dial-n-cerf/
- off-peak ------> Weekend: 5pm Friday to 5pm Sunday
- << express >>
- name ----------> Express Access - Online Communications Service
- dialup --------> 301-220-0462, 410-766-1855 'new'
- area codes ----> 202, 301, 410, 703
- local access --> Northern VA, Baltimore MD, Washington DC
- long distance -> provided by user
- services ------> shell, ftp, telnet, irc
- fees ----------> $25/month or $250/year
- email ---------> info@digex.com
- voice ---------> 301-220-2020
- ftp more info -> n/a
- << halcyon >>
- name ----------> Halcyon
- dialup --------> (206) 382-6245 'bbs', 8N1
- area codes ----> 206
- local access --> Seattle, WA
- long distance -> provided by user
- services ------> shell, telnet, ftp, bbs, irc, gopher, hytelnet, archie
- fees ----------> $15/month or $150/year + $10 startup
- email ---------> info@halcyon.com
- voice ---------> 206-426-9298
- ftp more info -> halcyon.com:~/pub/waffle/info
- << holonet >>
- name ----------> HoloNet
- dialup --------> (510) 704-1058
- area codes ----> 510, PDN
- local access --> Berkeley, CA
- long distance -> [per hour, off-peak/peak] Bay Area: $0.50/$0.95; PSINet A:
- $0.95/$1.95; PSINet B: $2.50/$6.00; Tymnet: $3.75/$7.50
- services ------> ftp, telnet, irc, games
- fees ----------> $2/hour off-peak, $4/hour peak; $6/month or $60/year minimum
- email ---------> info@holonet.net
- voice ---------> 510-704-0160
- ftp more info -> holonet.net:/info/
- off-peak ------> 5pm to 8am + weekends and holidays
- << ibmpcug >>
- name ----------> UK PC User Group
- dialup --------> +44 (0)81 863 6646
- area codes ----> +44 (0)81
- local access --> London, England
- long distance -> provided by user
- services ------> ftp, telnet, bbs, irc, feeds
- fees ----------> GBPounds 15.50/month or 160/year + 10 startup (no time
- charges)
- email ---------> info@ibmpcug.co.uk
- voice ---------> +44 (0)81 863 6646
- ftp more info -> n/a
- << ids >>
- name ----------> The IDS World Network
- dialup --------> (401) 884-9002, (401) 785-1067
- area codes ----> 401
- local access --> East Greenwich, RI; northern RI
- long distance -> provided by user
- services ------> ftp, telnet, SLIP, feeds, bbs
- fees ----------> $10/month or $50/half year or $100/year
- email ---------> sysadmin@ids.net
- voice ---------> 401-884-7856
- ftp more info -> ids.net:/ids.net
- << jvnc-tiger >>
- name ----------> The John von Neumann Computer Network - Dialin' Tiger
- dialup --------> contact for number
- area codes ----> 201, 203, 215, 401, 516, 609, 908
- local access --> Princeton & Newark, NJ; Philadelphia, PA; Garden City, NY;
- Bridgeport, New Haven, & Storrs, CT; Providence, RI
- long distance -> provided by user
- services ------> ftp, telnet, SLIP, feeds, optional shell
- fees ----------> $99/month + $99 startup (PC or Mac SLIP software included --
- shell is additional $21/month)
- email ---------> info@jvnc.net
- voice ---------> (800) 35-TIGER, (609) 258-2400
- ftp more info -> n/a
- << jvnc >>
- name ----------> The John von Neumann Computer Network - Tiger Mail & Dialin'
- Terminal
- dialup --------> contact for number
- area codes ----> 800
- local access --> anywhere (800) service is available
- long distance -> included
- services ------> email and newsfeed or terminal access only
- fees ----------> $19/month + $10/hour + $36 startup (PC or Mac SLIP software
- included)
- email ---------> info@jvnc.net
- voice ---------> (800) 35-TIGER, (609) 258-2400
- ftp more info -> n/a
- << michnet >>
- name ----------> Merit Network, Inc. -- MichNet project
- dialup --------> contact for number or telnet hermes.merit.edu or ftp
- nic.merit.edu:/michnet/how.to.get.connected/*.nos
- area codes ----> 313, 517, 616, 906, PDN
- local access --> Michigan; Boston, MA; Wash. DC
- long distance -> SprintNet, Autonet, Michigan Bell packet-switch network
- services ------> shell, gopher, telnet, ftp, SLIP, outbound SprintNet,
- Autonet and Ann Arbor dialout
- fees ----------> $35/month + $40 signup
- email ---------> info@merit.edu
- voice ---------> 313-764-9430
- ftp more info -> nic.merit.edu:/
- << mindvox >>
- name ----------> MindVOX
- dialup --------> (212) 988-5030 'mindvox' 'guest'
- area codes ----> 212, 718
- local access --> NY: New York City
- long distance -> provided by user
- services ------> conferencing system, shell, ftp, telnet, irc, gopher,
- archie, hytelnet, UUCP feeds, Archives, BBS
- fees ----------> Between $10 - $15 per month. No startup.
- email ---------> info@phantom.com
- voice ---------> 212-988-5987
- ftp more info -> n/a
- << msen >>
- name ----------> MSen
- dialup --------> contact for number
- area codes ----> 313
- local access --> All of SE Michigan (313)
- long distance -> provided by user
- services ------> shell, WAIS, gopher, telnet, ftp, SLIP
- fees ----------> $5/month + $2/hr or $20/mo for 20 hr
- email ---------> info@msen.com
- voice ---------> 313-998-4562
- fax -----------> 313-998-4563
- ftp more info -> ftp.msen.com:/pub/vendor/msen
- << nearnet >>
- name ----------> NEARnet
- dialup --------> contact for numbers
- area codes ----> 508, 603, 617
- local access --> Boston, MA; Nashua, NH
- long distance -> provided by user
- services ------> SLIP, email, feeds, dns
- fees ----------> $250/month
- email ---------> nearnet-join@nic.near.net
- voice ---------> 617-873-8730
- ftp more info -> nic.near.net:/docs
- << netcom >>
- name ----------> Netcom Online Communication Services
- dialup --------> (310) 842-8835, (408) 241-9760, (408) 459-9851, (415)
- 328-9940, (510) 426-6860, (510) 865-9004, (619) 234-0524
- 'guest'
- area codes ----> 213, 310, 408, 415, 510, 818
- local access --> CA: San Francisco Bay Area, Santa Cruz, Los Angeles, San
- Diego
- long distance -> provided by user
- services ------> shell, ftp, telnet, irc, WAIS, gopher, SLIP, feeds
- fees ----------> $19.50/month + $15.00 signup
- email ---------> info@netcom.com
- voice ---------> 408-554-UNIX
- ftp more info -> n/a
- << OARnet >>
- name ----------> OARnet
- dialup --------> send e-mail to nic@oar.net
- area codes ----> 614, 513, 419, 216, 800
- local access --> OH: Columbus, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dayton
- long distance -> 800 service
- services ------> email, ftp, telnet, newsfeed
- fees ----------> $4.00/hr to $330.00/month; call for code or send email
- email ---------> nic@oar.net
- voice ---------> 614-292-8100
- fax -----------> 614-292-7168
- ftp more info -> n/a
- << panix >>
- name ----------> PANIX Public Accss Unix
- dialup --------> (718) 832-1525 'newuser'
- area codes ----> 212, 718
- local access --> New York City, NY
- long distance -> provided by user
- services ------> shell, ftp, telnet, feeds
- fees ----------> $19/month or $208/year + $40 signup
- email ---------> alexis@panix.com, jsb@panix.com
- voice ---------> 212-877-4854 [Alexis Rosen], 718-965-3768 [Jim Baumbach]
- ftp more info -> n/a
- << portal >>
- name ----------> The Portal System
- dialup --------> (408) 725-0561 'new', 'info', 'help'
- area codes ----> 408, 415, PDN
- local access --> CA: Cupertino, Mountain View
- long distance -> SprintNet: $2.50/hour off-peak, $7-$10/hour peak; Tymnet:
- similar
- services ------> shell, ftp, telnet, IRC, UUCP, feeds, bbs
- fees ----------> $18.95/month + $19.95 signup
- email ---------> cs@cup.portal.com, info@portal.com
- voice ---------> 408-973-9111
- ftp more info -> n/a
- off-peak ------> 6pm to 7am + weekends and holidays
- << psi-gds >>
- name ----------> PSI's Global Dialup Service (GDS)
- dialup --------> send email to numbers-info@psi.com
- area codes ----> PDN
- local access -->
- long distance -> included
- services ------> telnet, rlogin
- fees ----------> $39/month + $39 startup
- email ---------> all-info@psi.com, gds-info@psi.com
- voice ---------> 703-620-6651
- fax -----------> 703-620-4586
- ftp more info -> ftp.psi.com:/
- << psilink >>
- name ----------> PSILink - Personal Internet Access
- dialup --------> send email to numbers-info@psi.com
- area codes ----> PDN
- local access -->
- long distance -> included
- services ------> email and newsfeed, ftp
- fees ----------> $29/month + $19 startup (PSILink software included)
- email ---------> all-info@psi.com, psilink-info@psi.com
- voice ---------> 703-620-6651
- fax -----------> 703-620-4586
- ftp more info -> ftp.psi.com:/
- << rock-concert >>
- name ----------> Rock CONCERT Net
- dialup --------> contact for number
- area codes ----> 704, 919
- local access --> NC: Asheville, Chapel Hill, Charlotte, Durham, Greensboro,
- Greenville, Raleigh, Winston-Salem, Research Triangle Park
- long distance -> provided by user
- services ------> shell, ftp, telnet, irc, gopher, wais, feeds, SLIP
- fees ----------> $30/month + $50 signup
- email ---------> info@concert.net
- voice ---------> 919-248-1999
- ftp more info -> ftp.concert.net
- << sugar >>
- name ----------> NeoSoft's Sugar Land Unix
- dialup --------> 713-684-5900
- area codes ----> 713
- local access --> TX: Houston metro area
- long distance -> provided by user
- services ------> bbs, shell, ftp, telnet, irc, feeds, UUCP
- fees ----------> $29.95/month
- email ---------> info@NeoSoft.com
- voice ---------> 713-438-4964
- ftp more info -> n/a
- << well >>
- name ----------> The Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link
- dialup --------> (415) 332-6106 'newuser'
- area codes ----> 415, PDN
- local access --> Sausalito, CA
- long distance -> Compuserve Packet Network: $4/hour
- services ------> shell, ftp, telnet, bbs
- fees ----------> $15.00/month + $2.00/hr
- email ---------> info@well.sf.ca.us
- voice ---------> 415-332-4335
- ftp more info -> n/a
- << world >>
- name ----------> The World
- dialup --------> (617) 739-9753 'new'
- area codes ----> 617, PDN
- local access --> Boston, MA
- long distance -> Compuserve Packet Network: $5.60/hour
- services ------> shell, ftp, telnet, irc
- fees ----------> $5.00/month + $2.00/hr or $20/month for 20 hours
- email ---------> office@world.std.com
- voice ---------> 617-739-0202
- ftp more info -> world.std.com:/world-info/basic.info
- ------------------------------
- From: PDIAL -7-
- Subject: How People Can Get The PDIAL (This List)
- USENET: The PDIAL list is posted regularly to alt.internet.access.wanted,
- alt.bbs.lists, ba.internet, and news.answers.
- From the Information Deli archive server (most up-to-date):
- To receive the current edition of the PDIAL, send email with the subject
- "Send PDIAL" to "info-deli-server@netcom.com". To subscribe to a list
- which receives future editions as they are published, send email with
- the subject "Subscribe PDIAL" to "info-deli-server@netcom.com". To
- receive both the most recent and future editions, send both messages.
- From the news.answers FAQ archive:
- Send email with the message "send usenet/news.answers/pdial" to
- "mail-server@pit-manager.mit.edu". For help, send the message "help"
- to "mail-server@pit-manager.mit.edu".
- FTP ARCHIVE SITES (PDIAL and *lots* of other useful information):
- As part of a collection of public access lists:
- GVL.Unisys.COM:/pub/pubnet/pdial []
- As part of the ba.internet FAQ:
- wiretap.spies.com:/ba.internet/Services/%LISTS/PDIAL/ []
- As part of an Internet access compilation file:
- liberty.uc.wlu.edu:/pub/lawlib/internet.access []
- As part of the news.answers FAQ archive:
- pit-manager.mit.edu:/pub/usenet/news.answers/pdial []
- ------------------------------
- From: PDIAL -8-
- Subject: Appendix A: Finding Public Data Network (PDN) Access Numbers
- Here's how to get local access numbers or information for the various
- PDNs. Generally, you can contact the site you're calling for help, too.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: Unless noted otherwise, set your modem to 7E1 (7 data
- bits, even parity, 1 stop bit) when dialing to look up access numbers
- by modem as instructed below.
- BT Tymnet
- ---------
- For information and local access numbers, call 800-937-2862 (voice) or
- 215-666-1770 (voice).
- To look up access numbers by modem, dial a local access number, hit
- <cr> and 'a', and enter "information" at the "please log in:" prompt.
- Compuserve Packet Network
- -------------------------
- You do NOT have to be a Compuserve member to use the CPN to dial other
- services.
- For information and local access numbers, call 800-848-8199 (voice).
- To look up access numbers by modem, dial a local access number, hit
- <cr> and enter "PHONES" at the "Host Name:" prompt.
- PC Pursuit (SprintNet)
- ----------------------
- PC Pursuit may be used to call a modem in any of 44 major metro areas
- in the US from local access numbers around the country. As such, it
- can be used to access most of the providers listed in the PDIAL (those
- with no other PDN access or even those which are accessible by other PDNs).
- For information and registration, call 800-736-1130 (voice) or
- 800-877-2006 (data). More information is also available on the PC
- Pursuit support BBS (see below).
- To look up access numbers by modem, dial 800-546-1000, hit
- <cr><cr><cr> at 1200 baud or '@'<cr><cr> at 2400 baud. Enter "MAIL"
- at the "@" prompt, then "PHONES" at the "USER NAME:" prompt, and
- "PHONES" at the "PASSWORD:" prompt.
- The PC Pursuit support BBS provides a great deal of information about
- PC Pursuit, including rates, terms and conditions, outdial numbers, etc.
- To access the PC Pursuit support BBS, dial a local access number and
- hit <cr><cr><cr> at 1200 baud or '@'<cr><cr> at 2400 baud. Change
- modem parameters to 8N1, and enter "C PURSUIT" at the "@" prompt.
- PSINet
- ------
- For information, call 800-82PSI82 (voice) or 703-620-6651 (voice), or
- send email to "all-info@psi.com". For a list of local access numbers
- send email to "numbers-info@psi.com".
- ------------------------------
- From: PDIAL -9-
- Subject: Copyright and Distribution Of The PDIAL; Other Notices
- Copyright 1992 Peter Kaminski.
- This document may be distributed in its entirety by any means, and a
- fee may be charged for its distribution, but it may not be sold
- without prior permission.
- I make no representations about the suitability or accuracy of this
- document for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
- implied warranty.
- UPDATES AND CORRECTIONS: Send new or updated entries in the format
- used here to "kaminski@netcom.com". Also include an email address to
- which I can send requests for more information.
- --
- Peter Kaminski | Internet: kaminski@netcom.com
- The Information Deli | CIS: 71053,2155
- "connecting people" | AMIX: PKAMINSKI
- To get the Public Dialup Internet Access List, send email with the
- subject "Send PDIAL" to "info-deli-server@netcom.com".
- ------------------------------
- End of PDIAL
- ************
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- Organization: The Information Deli - via Netcom / San Jose, California